Your Top 5 Beauty Resolutions For 2015

New years’ resolutions: so 2014, darling. We all know no-one ever sticks to them… right? Okay, maybe your track record isn’t exactly stellar, but neither are our lives—and a little improvement never hurt anybody. And, alright, maybe appearances aren’t everything, but surely making a few ch-ch-changes to your beauty routine is a pretty small (but mighty) way to start.

Here are five easy-peasy ways to get pretty in 2015. Cheers to that!

1. Try out new looks.

I’m thoroughly guilty of a particular beauty crime: I don’t experiment. Like—at all. Long ago I perfected the coveted cat eye and I stuck with it. I got my hair cut nicely, I condition the crap out of it and I straighten it meticulously… why change? Well, maybe because there are a myriad of ways to look good. Sure, you’ve banked up your greatest beauty hits, but it’s time for some new material, too. Don’t be the girl who lusts after clothes in shops without daring to try them on: just go for it! In 2015, experiment with different colors and techniques. Put all those endless beauty tutorial marathons to good use. Need guidance? Start with a lip color you’d normally steer clear of, rock it, and build from there. See below for a look I’ll be trying this New Year’s (go easy on me, IG!)

2. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse.

Another—worse—personal beauty sin: not cleansing. The amount of times I’ve gone to bed with a full face of make-up on literally made my little (more virtuous) sister gasp in horror. Not only is waking up with crispy mascara and a powdery pillow pretty darn gross, but it’s terrible for your skin, too. As if you didn’t need telling all over again. This year I’m vowing to start a religious cleanse/tone/moisturize regimen… once in the morning, once at night. The Body Shop’s Vitamin C range has my heart (and is full of light, anti-aging goodness for our young skin)… which leads me to my next point…

3. Go green.

Okay, so a total eco-overhaul of your favorite products can be expensive (and heartbreaking, if it means breaking up with your favorite shampoo), but it really can be easy being green. Next time you run out of cleanser/lip balm/etc, try shopping around for a more eco-friendly version of your go-tos. For example, try Kaeng Raeng’s After Glow facial serum instead of a moisturising product that’s packed with palm oil or tested on animals: it’s 100% vegan and cruelty free, gluten free, non-GMO, and hand made in small batches in the USA. So not only are you doing the environment a favor, you’re supporting small businesses, too.

4. Detox your make-up bag.

We’re all guilty of hoarding when it comes to make-up! However, most cosmetics have a shelf-life: they aren’t going to wind up smelling like old milk, but they will become a breeding ground for nasty bacteria after too long. Throw out anything that’s been festering at the bottom of your bag for longer than a year, give your make-up brushes a good clean and, while you’re at it, try buying a gorgeous new make-up bag. The lovely fresh home for all your products will be a nice little incentive to keep your preen routine all nice and hygenic. Target’s Orla Kiely range is pretty and practical, and affordable, too, so you’ve got a little more change jingling around for that new mascara.

5. Make time in the day for preening.

Not shaving your legs for two weeks becaaause it’s winter and you just want an extra five minutes in bed in the morning. Forgetting to take your make-up off at night (see above). Letting your eyebrows grow into little caterpillars because… well, because you just kind of let them. You know what I’m talking about. But this year, why not tighten the buckle a bit and give yourself an extra five minutes here and there, spend an extra few dollars on better products and just make those tiny, everyday efforts to add a little bit more pretty into your life? I’ll be doing it. And I’m sure Manfriend will appreciate the Venus-ad smooth leggies rubbing up to him under the sheets at night.

What are your beauty resolutions for 2015? Tweet us @litdarling!


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