The 20 Best Words Of All Time

Twenty-Something Tuesday

While English is widely recognized as one of the most ridiculous and contradictory languages of all time ever, some words (many of which we obviously borrowed from other cultures) are particularly satisfying. Here are the 20 best words we at Literally, Darling could come up with.

  1. Allele – write it in cursive and you’ll see.

  2. Persnickety – It has a somewhat negative connotation, but just saying the word makes us smile.

  3. Charming – Charming is a charming word, it’s like liquid gold in word form.

  4. Bubbly – Even saying “bubbly” makes you feel bubbly and excited.

  5. Claptrap – Simply because it’s fun to say.

  6. Magic – Magic is just so magical, it’s a really evocative word.

  7. Effervescent – Bright, happy, effervescent is just like its definition and another good word to write in cursive.

  8. Spectre – Slightly creepy and spooky but deeper than say, “ghost.”

  9. Incorporeal – Again, a tiny bit creepy but it gives you the sense of bordering on another spirit world.

  10. Cafe – While it’s a French word, not English, cafe is just the perfect word for an eating place. Who wouldn’t want to go eat at cafe?

  11. Vorpal – Not technically a real word except according to Lewis Carroll, it still sends shivers up your spine.

  12. Lightning – It’s a sharp, jagged word that perfectly summons visions of lightning to mind.

  13. Sea – It’s simple, it’s sweet and it sounds so much nicer than “ocean.” It’s a much more romantic, fairy tale type of word.

  14. Autumn – Why do people use “fall” when they have a word like “autumn?” I don’t understand.

  15. Clever – Reminiscent of Hermione Granger, “clever” is more than just intelligent it means you also know how to use it.

  16. Crikey – needs to be brought to American vernacular ASAP.

  17. Strumpet – It’s the best way to insult/confuse someone.

  18. Fisticuffs – Cause I’ve always wanted to have a legitimate reason to use it.

  19. Anthropomorphic – It’s a one word we use all the time, even incorrectly, because we love the way it sounds.

  20. Fuck – There, we said it. It’s so versatile, in all its forms, and while it can perhaps be overused, it’s expressive and satisfying as hell.


What are some of your favorite words? Tweet us at @litdarling and let us know!

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