Tips For Creating A Beautiful Home Office

Around 41.8% of the American workforce continues to work remotely, which is good news considering that around 77% of people who do so say they work more productively from home. If you are one of the millions of people who are spending more of your time at home these days, it is vital to design a home office that brings out your focus, concentration and productivity. Your space should also be relaxing and private – a personal oasis that is free from noise and distractions. If you are up for a small refurbishment or a new décor scheme, the following tips may be useful.

Finding The Perfect Spot

The location of your home office is key: your chosen room should have plenty of natural light and should be large enough for an ergonomic desk and chair (if possible, use a standing desk to boost circulation), as well as storage furniture. The space should be tidy and uncluttered to enhance focus and safety. If the room has a small window, consider renovation to create floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that lead onto a garden or other space that is calming for contemplation between tasks. If major work is out of the question, supplement a small window with an extra corner light and a quality desk lamp for task lighting. Full spectrum daylight bulbs will be perfect if you live in an area with few sunny days.

Selecting The Right Color Scheme

A plethora of studies indicates that the colors that surround us in our daily lives have a powerful effect on our mood and behavior. Research by Aves & Aves, for instance, shows that color can be used to lift the mood or ‘level out emotions’. Green is a calming color, and blue is one that encourages intellectual activity. Yellow lifts the mood, while red is stimulating. Once you choose a color scheme that puts you in the mood for work, you can get to painting your home office space. When you paint, keep brush marks invisible by using a good quality brush, a small amount of paint, and a light stroke. You can also use a roller brush or spray gun for a more seamless look.

Bringing Nature Indoors

Research consistently shows that bringing plants into the workspace lowers stress and boosts productivity. In fact, one U.S. study found that around 10% of employee absent days could be attributed to a lack of nature and natural light in the office. Good choices for indoor plants that require very little care and maintenance include aloe, anthurium, peace lily, Christmas cactus, and peperomia. Before making any plant selection, ensure they are not toxic to dogs, cats, or any other pets you may have at home.

Adding A Little Artistry

A home office should be tidy, but that does not mean it has to be cold and impersonal. Look for ways to make your space more appealing through art and design touches. For instance, you may want to frame photographs or artwork, add a few decorative vases and pieces, or purchase colorful cushions and rugs to go with your chosen color scheme. If your space is large enough, a couch is perfect for coffee breaks and for catching up with family members between tasks.

Remote work is a fact of life for millions of people across the globe, and the chances are, this mode of working will continue well into 2021. Some companies have expressed a wish to continue with this system in the long-term, owing to improved productivity, and time and cost savings. If you plan on working from home for many hours a day, then investing in a beautiful, tidy, well designed office and furniture is important. Don’t forget to bring a little greenery into the equation as well for an added performance boost.

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