The Truth About The Pill And Your Period

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How much do we all know about the pill?

Not much, it turns out—recent estimates are that one in five unplanned pregnancies could have been prevented if women taking the pill had understood how it worked. And up to a third of ladies think that the pill works by killing sperm (newsflash: it doesn’t).

I know that a lot of you will be pretty pill-savvy. But for the rest of us (myself included) our pill knowledge is a mishmash of half-truths, hearsay, and outdated science. The information leaflets that come with pills would seem like the best place to find out how the pill works, but often they’re written in medical gibberish that doesn’t make sense to anyone who just wants to know what to do if they’ve missed a pill.

Understanding how your pill works is really important. It means that you will be protected from unplanned pregnancies, and you can take advantage of some of the benefits, like managing painful periods, or skipping them completely.

How does the pill work?

I’m going to focus on the combined pill here, because that’s what about a third of women are on. The combined pill provides you with two hormones: estrogen and progestogen, and you take it daily. The hormones are given at a dose that tricks your body into thinking that it’s pregnant.

Tricking your body into thinking it’s pregnant isn’t as creepy as it sounds—back in the days before modern contraception, most of us would have seen out our fertile years with some bun or other in the oven. The estrogen and progestogen tell your body that it doesn’t have to release an egg from the ovary. Since no egg has been released, any sperm that venture up your uterus won’t have anything to fertilize.

In addition to keeping your eggs safe from wandering sperm, the pill makes the mucus that is released by your cervix thicker, so sperms can’t weasel their way past your cervix. It also makes the lining of your uterus thinner, so that any fertilized eggs have difficulty implanting. That’s kind of a back-up plan for when you miss a pill and your body has released an egg—but it’s by no means fail-proof, so make sure you take your pill like you’re supposed to, or take precautions if you’ve missed a pill.

How are you supposed to take your pill?

Glad you asked! You need to take the active pills for seven days in a row for it to work its magic. When you first start on the pill, you’re not safe for seven days, so you’ll need to keep using condoms, use other forms of contraception, or just go celibate for a week.

If you miss a pill (and who hasn’t!), then you can just take the pill when you remember if it’s less than 24 hours since you were supposed to have it. If you miss two or more pills, you’re not safe because your ovaries might have taken that dip in hormones as a sign that they need to release an egg. If you have had sexy times during that time, you might need to go get emergency contraception. If you don’t, you might be joining the illustrious ranks of my recently knocked-up sister.

Once you’ve realized that you’ve missed two or more pills, you’re going to need to use the seven day rule: Taking active pills for seven days. You need all seven days for them to build up in your system enough to start working. For those seven days, you’ll need to use alternative forms of contraception, or you can just have a glorious “not tonight dear” headache for a week.

You’ll also need to apply the seven-day rule if anything happens that means your pill may not have been absorbed properly (here’s looking at you diarrhea, vomiting and antibiotics!).

If the pill makes your body think it’s pregnant, why can you still get your period on it? 

Most pills come with 21 days of active pills, and seven days of sugar pills. Those sugar pills are exactly what they sound like—they’re made of sugar. There’s no active ingredient in them at all. When you take them, your body withdraws from the hormone dosage it’s been on, and the bleeding you see is just that; a withdrawal from hormones.

Your doctor is likely to call this a “period” simply because it’s easier to describe it as that—but it is not a period. A “real” period is when you shed the lining of your uterus that your body has been faithfully preparing in the hopes that a baby is coming to town. When your body figures out that the egg you released this month hasn’t been fertilized, you get your period.

For the pill to be effective, you don’t need to take the sugar pills. Sugar pills were only introduced to the pill because when the pill was first introduced, drug developers were worried that not having a period would seem too unnatural to lady-folk. And nearly 50 years later, most women still think that they need to have their period every month when they’re on the pill. But this isn’t true. You can skip your sugar pills and not bother with the ‘pill period’. To do this, you just have to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the active pills on your new monthly pack.

How often can you skip your period?

The guidance on how often you can skip your period varies between countries, and often from doctor to doctor. This seems to be because there hasn’t been any decent research conducted in this area.

Where I live (New Zealand) the latest guidance is that you don’t have to have your “pill period” at all, a fact that makes me want to fist pump with glee. In the U.S. you’re usually told you can take up to six pill packets together, and in the U.K., it’s usually three.

Some ladies may find that they can get breakthrough bleeding if they skip their period too much, some feel that they are more bloated, and lucky beasts like me don’t notice a thing. And don’t worry yourself about the lining building up over the months you’re skipping the pill; the estrogen and progestogen work together to keep your womb wall thin. If you do have a long bout of breakthrough bleeding, the best plan of attack is to take sugar pills for a week, and then get back on to the active pills. It isn’t that different to how things would have been when you were pregnant for most of your life, and hence barely ever had a period. Like most things, you just need to figure out what works for you.

What are the pros and cons of skipping your period?


  • You can bypass the downsides of having your period. If you have headaches that are triggered by sudden drops in hormone levels, then skipping your period could be for you. It’s also recommended for women with endometriosis, women with painful periods, and women whose periods cause mood swings or sad/angry/horrible times.
  • You can skip your period for special occasions, like weekends away.
  • You may be less likely to get pregnant—having more than seven days on the sugar pills is one of the most common reasons for the pill to fail. So if you take those sugar pills, only ever take seven, and then get back onto the active pills quick-smart.
  • YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE YOUR PERIOD. Even if the perry fairy is kind to you and you float through your period on a womanly sea of calm and bliss, periods aren’t terribly fun, and pads and tampons are expensive.


  • For the first couple of months, you can experience breakthrough bleeding. This usually gets less common over time as your body gets used to the new hormone regime.
  • Not having withdrawal bleeds can make it a bit more tricky to tell if you’re pregnant. If you’re on the paranoid side and your period coming is a special “Hallelujah, I’m not pregnant!” moment each month, then you’ll probably want to take the sugar pills each month. And if you’re in the skipping periods club and you feel bloated, have tender breasts or any other pregnancy symptoms, put yourself out of your misery and get thee to a pregnancy test kit.

Want to know more about the pill?

Want to know how the pill affects your fertility? How it affects your risk for cancer? What it does to your weight? See this wonderful myths and misconceptions roundup here.

And if this has all been medical gibberish to you? Ask your doctor. Seriously: asking a couple of slightly awkward questions is totally better than a surprise pregnancy!

Do you have any health myths you’d like to see busted? Tweet us @litdarling

View Comments (18)
  • I am one of those many women that had no clue what was going on with my body while on the pill. Thanks for this! It spared paying a co-pay to see my gyno to figure it out lol.

  • A couple of important points I would add:

    It’s pretty important to take your pill at approximately the same time every day, to keep the hormone levels constant. The pill is most effective against pregnancy this way.

    I’ve read that if you start the pill up to 5 days after the start of your period, you are protected immediately (here’s one source: ). I probably would wait 7 days to make absolutely sure, but just saying.

    The pill does NOT protect against STDs. This may sound obvious, but if you are not in a monogamous relationship (even if you think you are!), and the pill is your primary form of birth control, then you are putting yourself at risk for STDs. This is not a decision you should take lightly. I find (anecdotally) that women are generally more concerned about STDs while men are more concerned about pregnancy, so men may think as long as the woman can’t get pregnant, they are good to go, which is NOT the case (this may be influenced by the fact that it may be easier for a woman to get an STD. Source: ). I know this is not about your period, but still important to say!

    • Yeh you’re right re: starting off your period. I decided to keep that out lest people got confused.
      Also yehhhhh re: STDs. Kind of blows my mind that people think the pill prevents those

  • I have a question. My period started 5 days early which it has not done before and I’ve been on the pill for about 4 months now, I’ve been taking the hormone pills even though I have my period I haven’t even started the sugar pills yet but my period is over probably in 3 days do I still have to take all 7 sugar pills even though I’m done my period?

    • Hi, Anonymous. This is Haley, managing editor here at LD. Since none of us here is a medical professional, we highly recommend ask a doctor or nurse your questions regarding your period and your pills. Thank you so much for checking out LD and this post, though, and we hope you get your situation sorted!

  • I got off my pill around september this yr right when I got off like a day or two after I started bleeding rally heavy was that my period?

  • Iv recently changed from injection to combined pill , had missed a few then remembered , however got with someone a few days after , I’m pretty dam sure I’m 7 days gone , I know my body & I know it’s not usual to get all the symptoms , but I am… Even gone off wine :/ is there anyway to confirm instead of waiting the 2 week window ???

  • I’ve never been on the pill before and I’m currently on my 12th day of Microlut. How do I know which ones are the sugar pills and which ones are actually doing their job?

  • Hello. I started taking my pills five days before my period needed to start. Is it because of the pills? Also. before does five days I had protected sex, however Im still taking the pills, and texted negative for pregnancy. I feel just sharp tiny pain, but those also occurred during my period.

  • I have taken my sugar pills for a week and Im back on the active pills but I haven’t stopped bleeding, Im not sure what is going on. Should I be worried ?

  • I’m in the process of skipping this months sugar pills and am suffering bad cramps, can this be a side effect for some women?

  • Thank you for this! I use the pill for my heavy periods so it’s a relief to know I don’t even have to have one each month. I’ll wait until I forget to take a few lol

  • This is such good information! Thank you! I’ve been on the pill for a month (I’m on my placebo week right now) but my boyfriend and I were having…sexy time…and the condom broke on the 13th day of me taking pills. He didn’t pull out because we had no idea it was broken at all, but afterwards we both freaked out and I took a Plan B about 15 hours later. I had started breakthrough bleeding about two days before that and it didn’t stop (I’m still bleeding even though it’s a lot lighter now that I’m on the placebo week.) I was just wondering if there is really any chance I’m pregnant?

  • I decided I wanted to skip my period this month but I’ve already taken one sugar pill. I usually don’t get my period til the 3rd or 4th sugar pill. Can I just start a new pack tomorrow at 8pm when I’d normally take my pill? Or since I took one sugar pill already would this make the pill less effective? My pharmacy won’t give me my refill til tomorrow because it was “too early” so I had no choice

  • Hi I’ve been on the pill for about 2 years but recently heard that after your period you aren’t protected even if you have been on the pill for awhile. I was wondering if this is correct?

  • I had a tummy tuck about five years ago and I have been on viorel birth control pills for about three years, my periods are always on time and normal but my period last month only lasted one day and this months hasn’t shown up yet and I have been feeling weird movement in my belly for the last two weeks. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative but the moving is daily as if there is a baby in doctor thinks I’m crazy though but something is not right and I’m always tired

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